Written by Sharon Cecil
We Survive has served the community since 1994. In 2023, we will Ignite Hope.
The main source of volunteers for We Survive programming and events came from the Youth Performing Arts School-YPAS/duPont Manual and Scouting –Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts. Many of these young people were part of both entities.
“There’s a thread that binds all of us together; pull one end of the thread, the strain is felt all down the line.”
-Rosamond Marshall

2022-23 LIGHTFEST Planning
Sunshine Joe Mallard had offered to do a Commemorative Tapestry for the 25th Anniversary. So we already had that as part of the 2022 LIGHTFEST Event.
Picture: Sunshine Joe and students at YPAS working on the Commemorative Tapestry
There were several plans. Due to the residual of the pandemic, many organizations were a little gun shy as the community opened up to the 2022 face to face events. As plans fell apart several times, it was not a deterrent. As a matter of fact, it became a motivator.
People who Inspire others to Aspire
Today, I am introducing you to Prayga Wason and Bryan Crady. You will be hearing more about extraordinary people in the next 7 months.

In September, 2022, Pragya Wason contacted We Survive wanting to volunteer for Light the World with Hope. We had numerous brainstorming sessions that led us to her talents.
Picture (Left to Right): Sunshine Joe, Pragya & Sharon
Pragya has had many volunteer experiences. Many of these experiences have been as a student at YPAS. She is a member of Guitar Club and volunteers helping middle schoolers at Noe Middle School learn solo pieces, volunteering at concerts and music events through the Tri-M Music Honors Society, and playing ukulele with kids at Louisville Free Public Library through Out Loud Louisville. I was taken by Pragya’s ukulele abilities. There are plans to use her ukulele talents during activities leading up to and including the Tapestry Presentation
Pragya has been the impetus for the upcoming Tapestry Presentation with the coordination of the tapestry outline meeting and the 2022 LIGHTFEST Event -signing of the tapestry- held at YPAS/duPont Manual.
Pragya’s talents and skills are impressive.

Bryan Crady Mr. Crady has served as Assistant Principal at The Youth Performing Arts School since Fall 2008. He is a trombonist and vocalist. Mr. Crady has served as choir and music director in churches since 1990 and has performed in many musical productions during his career. He considers each day a privilege and joy to work with students and teachers who share his love for the arts and education.
Picture (Left to Right): JC Reedy, YPAS Volunteer; Sharon Cecil, Executive Director We Survive; Pragya Wason, YPAS Student; Bryan Crady, Assistant Principal, YPAS
I believe that his love for the Arts is what drew him to the idea of the Commemorative Tapestry Project. He gave us a piece of memorabilia that will be a large part of this Commemorative Tapestry.
Mr. Crady has been supportive of Pragya’s efforts in the coordination of this project.
2023 LIGHTFEST – Light the World with Hope
There will be a lot of pleasant surprises at the presentation to be held in August 2023. Date TBA
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