Luminating Letters

Give a Gift of Hope and write a Luminating Letter – Inspiring Hopes and Dreams.
Letters can be submitted to [email protected] with contact information.


Ingrid N.

Luminating Letter to Girls Entering High School

In this letter, you will read how Ingrid overcame fear in order to enter and succeed in a field that traditionally doesn’t have many women.

Sherry P. 

Luminating Letter to Friends and Family

In this letter, you will read about how homelessness can happen to anyone and how rewarding it is to be an advocate for your fellow man.


Ginny C. 

Luminating Letter to a Young Newlywed – Inspired by a difficult marital journey

In this letter, you will read about a young newlywed who could have chosen despair but found hope as a better option. Read Ginny’s letter here.


Kyle Mitchell

Luminating Letter—Inspiring Hopes and Dreams

Kyle knows the frustration being felt by youth today.  Kyle’s Luminating Letter is written to inspire middle and high school students to focus on what is important as they make their decisions regarding life after high school and going to college.