The Power of Mentoring to Inspire

The Power of Mentoring to Inspire

We Survive has been an ardent believer in providing mentors to our volunteers, giving the opportunity for the mentor and the mentee to change lives while they give back to the community.  Our formula for mentoring has been: “YOU + YOUth = Today’s Hope

“Speaking or writing with Positive Words a Powerful way to promote your idea!”  ~~Linda Surbeck

Words have a powerful place in our world.  When communicating with a mentee, words of encouragement offer #HopeAgiftOfEmpowerment.  

Growing Up Female – In 1996, as part of a pilot program developed by Girl Scout USA called “Growing Up Female”, involved meeting with a group of 11-year old Girl Scouts and their leaders, Angela Zinsious and Cheryl Sherrard, presenting a message on health while introducing them on ways of feeling comfortable in their own body and the importance of maintaining good health and a positive attitude.

WOW (Women Offering Wisdom) Begins – Discussion with Angela Zinsious, Girl Scout Troop 1472 

This troop had been together since the girls were Brownie Scouts. Angela called to set a time for the “Growing Up Female” presentation. Their meeting was at Angela’s home because the girls had planned a slumber party after the meeting.  
The topic for this meeting seemed to be a little uncomfortable for the girls.  There was not much eye contact and few words were spoken.
Talking with Angela a few days after the meeting, she said that the girls were up all night talking about their experience and very excited about creating a project for their Girl Scout Silver Award.  

Troop 1472 Accomplishments
Troop 1472 jumped into volunteering with We Survive almost immediately.  Their first  was LIGHTFEST.  Then, the troop became involved with the pilot program for what became to be known as WOW  (Women Offering Wisdom) program that started at Wayside Christian Mission. The girls wanted to use their clowning ministry to help educate about the concepts of what became established as a We Survive Program.  
These girls were instrumental in creating many of WE SURVIVE’s events including the original LIGHTFEST born from the 1996 Olympic Torch Relay held at Churchill Downs in 1997.
They designed educational materials, produced an educational video for WOW.  In 1998, one of their greatest accomplishments was when they planned, promoted and presented  their Women In Touch Luncheon held at Churchill Downs.  

Nina Moseley, COO | Wayside Christian Mission said, “As an observer of the WOW program’s growth from inception, to original implementation with the homeless women and children at Wayside Christian Mission in 1996, I am amazed at the program’s power to positively impact the lives of both young and old in our community.”  
There must have been power in the words during that 1st meeting that encouraged these girls to work so hard for over two years to complete their Silver Award.  

The following young ladies continued to go forward with their efforts. Nikki Sherrard – Arielle Sherrard Corbett         Brittany  Zinsious-Kinder


The next story will focus on what Brittany and Nikki accomplished after they continued with WOW and what they are doing NOW.  You will also be introduced to the mentors and advisors they and other youth in We Survive programming have encountered along the way.
You will learn the importance of these resource books to We Survive Programming
